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Part II - Keynote 2
Raghu Nandakumara_Illumio.png

Raghu Nandakumara

Field CTO


Micro-segmentation in Financial Services: The Security Multiplier


Applications are at the heart of modern financial organisations ability to serve customers and support organisational goals. Today these crown jewel assets are under attack by increasingly sophisticated adversaries and the key to preventing any significant breach is to stop lateral movement. Join this session to hear why micro-segmentation is your best option to scope, isolate and secure critical applications for a security posture up to 9 times more effective and achieve compliance along the way.


Key insights include:

  1. How micro-segmentation provides measurable risk reduction benefits and why you should make it a priority.

  2. The secret to accurately handle industry and Regulatory bodies specific requirements like PCI-DSS and SWIFT CSP.

  3. How to deploy micro-segmentation in weeks the smart way without the high overhead

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